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Founder & Engineer @Dark Triangle

Consulting with startups building world-class web apps. Interum CTO roles, react and solidity team leads. - 5.46149963 yrs

CTO @Bankless

Leading engineering of Claimables and airdrop checking. - 1.20 years

Founder @Earnifi

Helping crypto users find over $1B USD in airdrops and NFTs - 2.97 years

Senior Full-Stack Engineer @Everipedia

Leading product & engineering of everipedia.org; One of the world's largest crypto DApps with over 1.5 million visitors/month. Build on Eth and EOS. - 1.18 yrs

Full-stack Web Engineer @Uber

Web platform team. Programmed shared library of React and Node.js code. - 1.08 yrs

Co-founder @HackCU

Started and grew this hackathon to > 200 students - 1.66 yrs



B.S. Computer Science

University of Colorado